The best reseller hosting!

Website Design & SEO

Custom design or template based, search engine optimization!

Thank you, your information has been received and we will contact you shortly.

'; echo '

Click here to submit a new RFQ.

'; unset($_SESSION['security_code']); } else { $_SESSION['displayform'] = true; echo '


There was an error in your submission...please check the required fields below and re-enter the security code.
'; } } else { if(!isset($_SESSION['displayform'])) $_SESSION['displayform'] = true; else if(isset($_SESSION['formsubmitted'])){ echo '

You have already submitted your information. We will contact you shortly.

'; echo '

Click here to submit a new RFQ.

'; $_SESSION['displayform'] = false; } } if($_SESSION['displayform'] == true){ ?>

Is this quote for a:   /> New Website     /> Existing Website
Desired Features:
/> Shopping Cart / e-Commerce /> Google Rankings/Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
/> Payment Processor Integrated /> MLS Integration
/> Brochure Style /> Professional Graphic Design
/> Abilty to Edit Site Yourself /> Secure Login Area
/> Database (To store information) /> Works on Mobile Devices
/> Database Reports /> Photo Gallery
/> Send Newsletters /> Need Copy/Content Written
/> Google Maps /> Need Graphics
/> File Uploads /> Submission Forms
Describe your business...what do you do, what services and/or products you sale? (Required)
Describe the purpose of your website, what you want: (Required)
Sites that you like/example sites:
Timeframe/Deadline:  />
Budget:  (Required)
How did you hear about us?  />
Full Name:  /> (Required)
Company Name:  />
Phone Number:  />
Email Address:  /> (Required)
Website:  /> (Required)
Enter above code:  (Required)

'; $emailsubject = 'Website Design Quote [ALL INFO], '.$currentwebsite; $emailtodevs = ''; $emailsubjectdevs = 'Marketrends Website Design Quote, '.$currentwebsite; switch($budget) { case 1; $budget = 'Very Basic ($700 - $900)'; break; case 2; $budget = 'Professional ($1,250 - $1,850)'; break; case 3; $budget = 'Advanced ($2,250 - $2,850)'; break; case 4; $budget = 'Complete Custom ($3,000+)'; break; } $message = '

Name: '.$fullname.'
Company: '.$businessname.'
Phone: '.$phonenumber.'
Email: '.$emailaddress.'
Website: '.$currentwebsite.'

Type: '.$type.'
Shopping Cart/eCommerce? '.$ecomm.'
Google Rankings/SEO? '.$seo.'
Payment Processor? '.$paymentprocessor.'
MLS Integration? '.$mlsintegration.'
Brochure Style? '.$brochurestyle.'
Professional Graphic Design? '.$professionalgraphicdesign.'
Editable? '.$editable.'
Secure Area? '.$securearea.'
Database? '.$database.'
Works On Mobile? '.$worksonmobile.'
Database Reports? '.$databasereports.'
Photo Gallery? '.$photogallery.'
Newsletter? '.$newsletter.'
Need Copy? '.$needcopy.'
Google Maps? '.$googlemaps.'
Need Graphics? '.$needgraphics.'
fileuploads? '.$fileuploads.'
Submission Forms? '.$submissionforms.'

Business Description:

Purpose of site:

Example Sites:

Timeframe/Deadline: '.$timeframe.'

Budget: '.$budget.'

How they heard about us: '.$referral.'

'; mail($emailto, $emailsubject, $message, 'From: '.$emailfrom.$headers); $devmessage = '

If you\'re interested in the following project, please let me know cost and time frame to complete. If you have questions for the client, let me know. Please respond within 24 hours if interested.

Website: '.$currentwebsite.'

Type: '.$type.'
Shopping Cart/eCommerce? '.$ecomm.'
Google Rankings/SEO? '.$seo.'
Payment Processor? '.$paymentprocessor.'
MLS Integration? '.$mlsintegration.'
Brochure Style? '.$brochurestyle.'
Professional Graphic Design? '.$professionalgraphicdesign.'
Editable? '.$editable.'
Secure Area? '.$securearea.'
Database? '.$database.'
Works On Mobile? '.$worksonmobile.'
Database Reports? '.$databasereports.'
Photo Gallery? '.$photogallery.'
Newsletter? '.$newsletter.'
Google Maps? '.$googlemaps.'
Need Graphics? '.$needgraphics.'
fileuploads? '.$fileuploads.'
Submission Forms? '.$submissionforms.'

Business Description:

Purpose of site:

Example Sites:

Timeframe/Deadline: '.$timeframe.'

'; mail($emailtodevs, $emailsubjectdevs, $devmessage, 'From: '.$emailfrom.$headers); } function CheckEMail($Address){ if(ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+$', $Address)) return true; else return false; } function CleanData($Data){ if(isset($Data)){ if(!empty($Data)) return htmlentities($Data, ENT_QUOTES); } else{ $Data = ''; return $Data; } } function SaveRFQ($fullname, $businessname, $phonenumber, $emailaddress, $currentwebsite, $type, $ecomm, $seo, $paymentprocessor, $mlsintegration, $brochurestyle, $professionalgraphicdesign, $editable, $securearea, $database, $worksonmobile, $databasereports, $photogallery, $newsletter, $needcopy, $googlemaps, $needgraphics, $fileuploads, $submissionforms, $businessdescription, $sitedescription, $examplesites, $timeframe, $budget, $referral){ if(!$ecomm) $ecomm = 0; if(!$seo) $seo = 0; if(!$paymentprocessor) $paymentprocessor = 0; if(!$mlsintegration) $mlsintegration = 0; if(!$brochurestyle) $brochurestyle = 0; if(!$professionalgraphicdesign) $professionalgraphicdesign = 0; if(!$editable) $editable = 0; if(!$securearea) $securearea = 0; if(!$database) $database = 0; if(!$worksonmobile) $worksonmobile = 0; if(!$databasereports) $databasereports = 0; if(!$photogallery) $photogallery = 0; if(!$newsletter) $newsletter = 0; if(!$needcopy) $needcopy = 0; if(!$googlemaps) $googlemaps = 0; if(!$needgraphics) $needgraphics = 0; if(!$fileuploads) $fileuploads = 0; if(!$submissionforms) $submissionforms = 0; $_SESSION['UserIDLoggedIn'] = 0; $query = "insert into rfqs values ('','".$fullname."','".$businessname."','".$phonenumber."','".$emailaddress."','".$currentwebsite."', '".$type."',$ecomm,$seo,$paymentprocessor,$mlsintegration,$brochurestyle,$professionalgraphicdesign,$editable, $securearea,$database,$worksonmobile,$databasereports,$photogallery,$newsletter,$needcopy,$googlemaps,$needgraphics,$fileuploads, $submissionforms,'".$businessdescription."','".$sitedescription."','".$examplesites."','".$timeframe."','".$budget."','".$referral."', '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."','".$_SESSION['UserIDLoggedIn']."','".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."')"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (!$result){ echo '

Error! Record was not created!

'; } return $result; } ?>